Maps of Newark, New Jersey

If you need some maps of Newark, New Jersey then this is the right page to browse.

Newark is the largest city in the American state of New Jersey, and is part of the New York City metropolitan area. You may be thinking "But New York City isn`t in the state of New Jersey, it`s in New York state" and that would be correct. But New York City and Newark are both situated near the borders of their respective states and Newark is only 15 km from NYC. Lots of travellers visiting New York City fly into Newark International Airport and then take a bus into Manhattan, rather than flying in JFK airport. It`s not really any farther than JFK.

Newark has a population of 277,140, making it the second largest city in the NYC metropolitan area, after the Big Apple itself.

This first map of Newark gives a good overview of the city`s layout and orientation without too much distracting detail. Unless you`ll be driving around Newark then this may be all you need.

Simple map of Newark New Jersey

This next map shows all the main roads and highways in Newark.

General road map of Newark, NJ

This map show`s Newark`s main roads but also it`s smaller local streets in each area of town.

Detailed street map of Newark New Jersey

I hope these maps were the kind of thing you were looking for!

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