The Munich Metro system consists of two systems, the U Bahn and the S Bahn. The U Bahn stands for Untergrundbahn, meaning "subway" in German. S Bahn, on the other hand, stands for Schnellbahn, meaning suburban express train. These are trains that venture out of Munich into the residential bed communities of Munich. The two networks are interconnected in real terms, though technically separate systems.
This map below is a Munich S Bahn map that also shows the U Bahn.

This Munich subway map shows only the underground U bahn train lines.

Hopefully you find the above Munich Metro map downloadables useful for your purposes.
This map below is a Munich S Bahn map that also shows the U Bahn.

This Munich subway map shows only the underground U bahn train lines.

Hopefully you find the above Munich Metro map downloadables useful for your purposes.