Delaware Colonial Map

On this page you can find Delaware Colonial maps. Let`s turn back the clock!

The first Europeans to settle in Delaware were the Dutch in 1631, but all were killed by native tribes within a year. A Swedish trading post was established in 1638 in present-day Wilmington. In 1651 the Dutch started a new fort at present-day New Castle. In 1655 the Dutch took over the Swedish settlement and made it a part of "New Netherland". Then in 1664 the Dutch were expelled by the British who then established their colony.

Delaware was the first state to ratify the consitution of the United States on December 7, 1787.

Delaware colonial map of British Colonies 1763.

Delaware Colonial map of Delaware Bay 1688.

Delaware colonial map of Delaware Bay 1769.

Delaware Colonial Map of Delaware Bay and River 1776.

Delaware colonial map of settlements 1638.

Delaware Colonial Map of Wilmington 1772.

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