Amman Map

Down below you can find information about Amman, Jordan as well as Amman map downloads.

Amman is the capital city of The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, as well as its most populous city by far. It has a population of about 2 million, with the Greater Amman area having around 2.8 million. That is expected to grow to 6.5 million by 2025 due to rapid migration, thanks to Amman`s impressive economic growth that is unprecedented in the Arab World outside of the Gulf region.

Amman has a long history stemming back to 7000 BC. In the early part of the 20th century, though, it remained a small city. It wasn`t until 1949 when a huge influx of Palestinian refugees from the newly created State of Israel turned the small town into a populous city. This happened once again in 1967 after Israel seized the Westbank from Jordan. Amman remains a common destination for refugees fleeing the tensions in Iraq, as well as though seeking refuge from the occupation of the Westbank.

In the summers Amman is a hot and dry city. However, because of its elevation the winters get quite cold with night time temperatures occasionally reaching zero. Frost is common in the night and early morning in winter, and snow occurs once a year or so.

Here are a couple of Amman map images to print or download.

Jordan Amman map
Simple printable Amman map

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